Tuesday 27 March 2012

Easter Decorations & Lounge Update

I hope you are all having a nice week? I just wanted to let you know how happy I am to have you stop by and how grateful I am for every single comment. 

I managed to find my Easter decorations (or should I say my husband did, after he spent an hour in the garage looking through unopened boxes) I was keen to bring a little Easter feeling into the home. In the northern hemisphere Easter is associated with springtime yet here we are heading into autumn - it does feel a little strange. I don't know too many people that decorate their homes for Easter in New Zealand but I am determined to keep a little Germany tradition going in my home - mostly for the boys. 

We used to go for a long walk on Easter Sunday with the whole family and my grandfather would drop little chocolate eggs along the way without us noticing. I still remember the excitement as a little girl discovering the treats amongst freshly sprung flowers. Do you have any easter traditions that you are keen to pass on?

This cute little pair of ceramic bunnies was a gift from my mother. She has always been a keen decorator and she celebrated the change of season by updating our home.

I received some new cushions from H&M last week - my mother sent them to me along with some 
Haribo - Mmmmhhhh :-) The pot plant was a recent project I did. I noticed them in many scandinavian interiors and never found one ready made - so I used a circular wire and twisted ivy around it. Easy!



dornrös*chen living now said...

hallo nina! sehr süße osterdeko hast du.kann mir vorstellen, dass es komisch ist, wenn die jahreszeit und das wetter eigentlich nicht zusammen passen...aber wichtig für euch ist ja die tradition und die schönen erinnerungen an früher...dein efeukranz ist klasse geworden und das wohnzimmer sehr schön! und die aussicht erst...! have a happy day so far away :) viele liebe dornrös*chengrüße und tschüss:)

Dania said...

So lovely!

Yvonne - Frl. Klein said...

Liebe Nina,
die Wachteleier in türkis sehen klasse aus!
Alles liebe

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